Tuesday, October 19, 2010

EKG tutorial

I found this website which had dozens of ecg rhythm examples. Some of the examples are very unique and may not be easily detactable for a new nurse. I believe though that students should be exposed to these unusual rhythms so that they know that these kinds of rhythms also occur. 


Here's an example of the unique tracing I was talking about.

EKG tutorial

With the world wide web becoming the most predominant means of communication of our time, resources available to teach different subject matters such as EKG rhythms are available with just the click of a mouse.

I found this video in youtube.com talking about atril fibrillationm, atrial flutter, and supraventricular tachycardia.

Having videos like this which are easily available has made it easier to learn new concepts.

I know that when there are certain procedures I would like to know, I oftentimes search if a video of it is available.

Here's the link of the video I was talking about and also a screenshot.


Code Blue

I always find it amusing how smooth code blue resuscitation are in training videos.  In the real world people are screaming, you can never seem to find the equipment you need, or worse nobody could really figure out what to do next after the code blue has been running for at least 30 minutes.  When a code blue event occurs on a regular floor the situation is even more chaotic.  Here are two videos I found that are as smooth as anybody would a code blue to be. 


EKG Tutorial

This website contains some good examples of the different rhythms.  The discussion is not very detailed but the examples they give are very good.

EKG Tutorial


This website has a very interesting way of teaching how to identify heart rhythms.  It actually runs a 6-second strip and asks the user to identify the rhythm simultaneously.  I think it closely resembles the clinical setting because most of the time the nurse must be able to identify any rhythm quickly.

EKG Tutorial Websites

I found these two websites that will be helpful for anybody who wants to learn more about identifying heart rhythms.  I'm including a short description and screenshots for both websites.

            This website contains a very extensive and thorough discussion of different ECG rhythms.  This website is a good resource for a novice nurse who needs to learn more about identifying different heart rhythms.  This website has some self-paced quizzes that a nurse might use to enhance their learning.